Greasing The Groove

To become better at a skill there is one simple main rule that guarantees results which is practice. To become better at pull ups you need to do pull ups to become better at handstands you need to do more handstands. One of the best methods that I’ve personally tried and had clients to try to unlock a certain movement is Greasing the Groove method.


Greasing the groove method of training is a training principle that humans have been doing for ages but it was officially found and measured by the genius Pavel Tsatsouline where you consistently practice a specific skill with low reps as often as possible. So to use the pull ups as an example, you will be performing one or two pullups every 30 minutes to an hour for a whole day. The benefits of this style of training are many. Contraction happens when you try to lift any weight whether it's your bodyweight or an external weight. That contraction begins when your nervous system sends a signal to your muscle fibers. When an exercise is performed over and over again, and the muscle fibers repeatedly receive an identical signal, a more efficient neuromuscular motor pattern develops. This method allows your nerve cells to fire faster and contract faster, which makes the motor pattern more ingrained in your neurobiology. This makes the movement much more natural and easier to do. Think of walking for example.

Greasing the Groove method can be done on any movement, I had a 270 lbs client who couldn't do any pushups, when we tried this method his pushups went up from 0 to 15. His routine was 4 incline pushups on a bench every 15 minutes in less than a month he was able to achieve 1 full pushup on the ground then that became the skill practiced every 15 minutes, until he was able to do 15 pushups in one set (shoutout to Ab Salem).

This style of training is easy but demanding on setting up reminders to do the practice.

I recommend this method to anyone who wants to unlock a movement and be able to do any movement for more reps and better control.